When I wake up at 5am, wash my face with cold water, take my fishing gear I know that it's going to be a good day. It doesn't matter if I catch sth or I don't. Every single time I'm thrilled in a funny way. I can tell you that I LOVE FISHING.
We've started at 9am from Warsaw that we get to Niedrzwica Duża 3h later.
We decided to find some accommodation later and don't waste fishing time. We went directly to Bystrzyca river which is best brown trout river next to Warsaw.
You've to have fishing license + permission for the time you are going to fish. It's "no-kill" part of the river, which is specially guarded.
The river was magnetizing. Very wild looking, clean and full of rainbow trouts. We left our car and start dressing up with this fcking uncomfortable trousers and jackets. Seriously, its like wearing 15kg bullet proof vest.
Beavers made us a little surprise.
Mountain rivers, are very technical for fishermen. You can't be the beginner to fish there. Casting 2-3cm next to the trees is standard there. You have to be extremely quiet, because the water is shallow and rainbow trouts are skittish. If you step on the the limb you can forget about this spot and go to another. So the whole fishing thing looks more like hunting
First few hours my friends caught three or four small ones and I didn't even saw one! I was changing the lures but nothing helped. Then I saw a little deeper hole. First cast and BANG! I have one! First rainbow trout in my life 30cm.
Friends sneaking for rainbow trouts.
Next day the weather was different. Sunny/cloudy variably. I noticed a bush over the water. It looked like perfect place for rainbow trout. They love to hide under the threes or in the deeper holes. I didn't even cast! I just put my lure in front of the bush and BANG he hit. Unfortunately he missed... Ok one more time. I put my lure again and BANG I got him!
Yeah, you can say that some restaurant is amazing, but nothing tastes like cold beer + sausage made on fire after 10km river hiking. It's this moment when you close your eyes, stretch and think - Fuck, Life is beautiful.
After three amazing days we left Niedżwica, but we will be back Niedżwica, we will...
About poker? Meeeh, more beautiful things to write about than poker. But its going very very good if you need to know ;]
Monday, February 24, 2014
Sorry for not responding but I was on a fishing trip which I told you about. Tomorrow morning Im going back to Milan and I will write some fishing report.
What do you think about it? Actually it looks fine for me. every player is regular. Board is hard for us. I think x/c is bad. Cbet normal size is fckd also, because calling ranges here are fcking huge. Betting pot in 4 regs we make them to play SF. What is your calling range to my cbet pot here?
River: ($140.00) J(2 players) Hero ???
What is your stnd here? Villain is stnd reg 22/17 AFq 42 steal 53 ftresteal 61.
If I check he is ALWAYS betting probably and I can't x/c. Do you bet yourself here? How much?
Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is CO with 6 7 2 folds, Hero raises to $10, 2 folds, BB calls $6
Flop: ($22.00) A J 8(2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $16, BB raises to $72, Hero calls $56
Turn: ($166.00) 7(2 players) BB bets $152, Hero ???
BB is a mystery for me.
HUD http://scr.hu/0s5o/i4d1c
POPUP http://scr.hu/0s5o/uewv1
He 3bet/call PP vs every position
He never 5bet shoves loose
He is always betting close to pot or overbetting.
He is capable of bluffing random hands like : BBvsBTN he 3bets K2 then on 66489 play cbet F /check T /bet pot R
If he starts betting he almost always bets 3 streets.
His 3bet BBvsCO i 15 vs ME 18. Looks like shit, but I don't want to call/call/call because he 3bet's every PP. Also think about the turn cards: 8,T,5,A,K suckz. Feel like NIT.
You dont have to run with the others to finish first.
River: ($240.00) 9(3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $162, MP raises to $350, SB folds, Hero raises to $803.81 all in, MP calls $136.79 all in
Final Pot: $1213.58
Hero shows T J (a straight, Nine to King)
MP shows 6 6 (three of a kind, Sixes)
Hero wins $1210.58
(Rake: $3.00)
Not sure what to think about him. All the time I thought that he is a really good reg playing nl1k. After this hand he made fucking mistake on every street. Flop he shouldn't cbet, turn he should bet sth like 78$, and river not even sure what to say... SB is total fishy guy 60/20
If you are not going to plan your live nobody else will do it for you. I mean if you feel that whole your life is sitting, grinding, eating, sleeping you miss the point. I love to explore new places and new things.
These year I'm going to:
21-23. February - Going back to Poland for fishing in Bystrzyca river. Plan to catch some rainbow trouts;) Funny thing is that we will fish on the "no kill" part of the river.You cant kill or harm any fish.
In the end of March I have to go snowboarding, not sure where maybe Switzerland maybe Italy. One day I was standing in the deep snow on the edge and promised myself that I'm not going to skip any winter season.
May! My birthday month. Hope to see first time in 2014 my poker results ;)
We are going with my sweet love on a road trip over the north part of Italy.
Genova, Nervi, Portofino, Riomaggiore, La spezia, Marina di Piza, Firenze, Bologna, Padwa, Wenecja, Verona, Sirmione, Bergamo
In June or July I'm going to participate in the paragliding course with my friend ; )
August With my Love we're going to visit my aunt in Stockholm. Sightseeing, renting car etc.Can't wait for this one!
19-28th of September again back on the Torron! Majestic island in the south-east coast of Sweden. One week with nature and fishing fishing fishing with my mates!
Also not sure when but have to learn new type of fishing - Flyfishing!
You can expect a lot of tour reports photos and some videos probably.
Enjoy JWP. Loose? I dont loose! I win! I win that's my job that's what I do!
3rd day of February passed and I did 9k hands. Playing non zoom tables it's 15h. I'd love to play sth like ~4h every day. Sick day. I played 4k hands. Few interesting spots here:
Turn: ($332.00) 7(2 players) Hero bets $594.47 all in, UTG calls $309.03 all in
BTN is a fishy fish 58/2. UTG is crappy reg. He called 33 to my c4bet COvsMP... Also we've the dynamic in 3bet/5bets and 3bet pots postflop. He is not folding TJ here and this thing makes this spot +EV.
Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is BB with A K 1 fold, CO raises to $12, 2 folds, Hero raises to $38, CO calls $26
Flop: ($78.00) 9 6 7(2 players)
Hero checks, CO checks
Turn: ($78.00) A(2 players) Hero bets $58, CO raises to $116, Hero raises to $463 all in, CO calls $157.95 all in
River: ($625.90) T(2 players - 2 are all in)
Its was massive fish very agressive. I decided to x/f to flop then I hit my out. On the turn I catch myself in a thinking trap that he can play this way Ax. even if he is agressive he would prefere to calldown. Its bet/fold turn.
Again reg trying to represent sth he cant have. Turn bet almost pot and bet ~2/3 river. Well played. He showed Ac8h...
Today I sacrificed quality for quantity. Still games were very easy to play. Since PokerStars.it brought mobile app the traffic increased x1,5! Well done! I dont post any graphs etc. because I'm trying to totally forget about the money. I've very solid BRM so no need for that. I would like to look into the winnings tab twice in this year. First time 12th May on my birthday and 2nd before Christmas.