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CO: $242.03
BTN: $216.75
SB: $272.32
BB: $265.55
Hero (UTG): $227.22
MP: $192.79
Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is UTG with A
Hero raises to $6, 1 fold, CO calls $6, BTN calls $6, 1 fold, BB calls $4
Flop: ($25.00) 7
BB checks, Hero bets $25, CO folds, BTN folds, BB folds
What do you think about it? Actually it looks fine for me. every player is regular. Board is hard for us. I think x/c is bad. Cbet normal size is fckd also, because calling ranges here are fcking huge. Betting pot in 4 regs we make them to play SF. What is your calling range to my cbet pot here?
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 2432395
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter
Hero (SB): $418.94
BB: $457.13
UTG: $272.31
CO: $453.60
BTN: $416.00
Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is SB with 9
2 folds, BTN raises to $8, Hero raises to $32, 1 fold, BTN calls $24
Flop: ($68.00) 7
Hero checks, BTN bets $36, Hero calls $36
Turn: ($140.00) 9
Hero checks, BTN checks
River: ($140.00) J
Hero ???
What is your stnd here? Villain is stnd reg 22/17 AFq 42 steal 53 ftresteal 61.
If I check he is ALWAYS betting probably and I can't x/c. Do you bet yourself here? How much?
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 2432397
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter
BB: $1935.52
UTG: $416.13
MP: $492.69
Hero (CO): $539.08
BTN: $453.00
SB: $483.66
Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is CO with 6
2 folds, Hero raises to $10, 2 folds, BB calls $6
Flop: ($22.00) A
BB checks, Hero bets $16, BB raises to $72, Hero calls $56
Turn: ($166.00) 7
BB bets $152, Hero ???
BB is a mystery for me.
He 3bet/call PP vs every position
He never 5bet shoves loose
He is always betting close to pot or overbetting.
He is capable of bluffing random hands like : BBvsBTN he 3bets K2 then on 66489 play cbet F /check T /bet pot R
If he starts betting he almost always bets 3 streets.
What is our plan on the turn?
Then I had this spot with him:
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 2432400
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter
SB: $2039.95
BB: $406.00
UTG: $578.58
Hero (CO): $811.03
BTN: $307.54
Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is CO with Q
1 fold, Hero raises to $12, 1 fold, SB raises to $44, 1 fold, Hero calls $32
Flop: ($92.00) 7
SB bets $104, Hero folds
His 3bet BBvsCO i 15 vs ME 18. Looks like shit, but I don't want to call/call/call because he 3bet's every PP. Also think about the turn cards: 8,T,5,A,K suckz. Feel like NIT.
You dont have to run with the others to finish first.
yo, u alive, man? why no updatezzz? :( the fact that there are no comments doesn't necessarily mean that people aren't reading your posts (myself included ;p)
ReplyDeleteas for the hands:
♦AT - Even though you make them play SF by potting the F (which is a great idea btw), don't you expect to be beaten here very frequently? Also, for the same reasons that you decided to pot the F, I don't think that any of the regs would go out of their way and turn any hand worse than yours into a bluff, so I believe that you don't really need that much protection against it in this spot. I suppose that by potting the F you make them fold out worse hands and continue either w/ the better or the ones w/ much equity against you, so having said that I'd lean towards x/f here. Ofc betting here is the lesser of two evils (I believe that x/c is terrible) How do u see it?
♦89 - I don't really know how to interpret his bet sizing. If I were in this spot and saw a check from you, I'd expect either a x/f or a x/c (I don't really think you have a x/r range here). What I'm getting to is that I don't think that he would wanna expand your potential calling range by betting smaller (I suppose you wouldn't x/c here w/ a hand like AhQh - you'd rather go for a multibarrel here), so basically your range is capped for a SC/S1G-type hand (pair+draw most often), which would defenitely call a bigger amount (assuming that he has a value hand). So don't you think that by betting this small he makes his hand kinda face-up for a 2OvC + backdoor FD type hand most often?
So if I made such an assumption, I'd expect him to xback all his turned equity here (he knows that the T improves your perceived range sooo much) - I think leading is an option here. As for the river - I believe that the R improves his xbacking range, so I don't really like a x/c here. Also, I think that he has more strong hands w/ his line OTR than you (you don't have a flush and the only other hand that you'd represent here would be AQ/KQ* type hand, which I think would bet the F in the first place) and as I assumed - he'd expect to fold out those hands instantly on the F, so you don't really rep much by betting here. Ofc if you knew that he could bet the F this big w/ a made hand, I like an overbet here to make him fold out hands that you're splitting with (again - assuming that he'd believe you in any hand that you represent OTR w/ this line, which I personally doubt ;)).
♦67 - Honestly, I don't see any reasonable made hand that he's trying to represent here, (AA/JJ/88/KhQh/AJ/AxKh- 3b pre.) so he either has a random KhXx type hand or some total crap - if you say that he likes to 3barrel - b/c the F is kinda a green light for him, so I'd just call again and let him fire on the river (I don't really like a raise as I think you would make him fold out hands which could bluff the R + you could expect him to see much fold equity on the R.
♦QQ - at first i was like 'wow', but then i realized that I'd probably just muck it as well.
MP2 50.69% 48.53% 2.16% 99+, 77-66, AsKs, AsJs, KsJs, As5d, As5h, As5c, As4d, As4h, As4c, As3d, As3h, As3c, As2d, As2h, As2c
MP3 49.31% 47.15% 2.16% QhQs
The AsXx are just some random bluffs which he might go for a triple barrel with sometimes.
So basically you'd put 200bb into a spot where you'd be flipping at best. ;)
Also, I've read in your older post that you drank yerba mate - still a drinker? any favourites? ;)