
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Trying to make my game stable

I've noticed that quality of my game is quite good but not stable at all. Even after two days break, it takes me 15-30 minutes before I go into my ZONE - sometimes it's too late ;) It's difficult to decribe how I feel. All of you know the feeling when you have the flow. The perfect state of mind. The best quality game based on all your knowledge. You are cappable of catching even timing reads, and discover the most thin value raise on the river.

So what I did to improve this part of my poker game?
I created checklist and put it on the sticky notes.

Checklist and rituals:
    • Do I feel like I want to play? (Yes/No)
    • What is my attitude (Positive/Negative)
  • Water/Yerba Mate/Isotonic
  • Something energetic to eat (sessions over 60min)
  • Alarm every 15-20min (to check myself, which game I'm playing A/B/C)
  • Skype OFF
  • Internet NUKED (I use the extending to the Chrome browser called "StayFocused")
  • Warm UP
    • Listen to one good RAP track to motivate myself
    • Listen to the first 5 min of pokermindset by Eliot Roe
    • Open max 4 tables and watch/play
  • If I played well after session I listen to some favorite rap music :)
- Observe yourself, try what is best for you.
- Note your emotions and things/hands which coused them.
- Do not eat anything fat before the session.

Thanks Robmaf for you advice!

The next thing is my excel file.
I created colums: day / nr of session / variance / the impact of variation in € / time / quality of decisions / frame of mind / what I could do better.

"what I could do better" is my favourite one. I've learned  about myself in last few days more then in a whole year.

Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 2240320
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

BB: $853.38
Hero (UTG): $480.00
MP: $415.75
CO: $400.00
BTN: $538.29
SB: $193.13

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is UTG with A of spades A of diamonds
Hero raises to $12, 1 fold, CO raises to $36, 3 folds, Hero raises to $78, CO calls $42

Flop: ($162.00) 2 of hearts 4 of clubs Q of hearts (2 players)
Hero bets $64, CO calls $64

Turn: ($290.00) 3 of clubs (2 players)
Hero (258€ eff left)

22/18 wts 25 AFq 27 3bet 5,2 after 254 hands. No dynamic between us. He looks like a weaktight, very passive, folding a lot to steals and 3bets. I was his first 3bet from CO. I've decided to 4bet  because this type of guy is not 3bet bluffing vs EP. There is a fish on BTN and another one on 50bb on SB.

Bet flop pretty stnd, dont know his bet IP frequencies. What to do on the turn? His range is quite easy to read: KK-JJ, AhKh, AcKc, AhKd, AhKs, AhKc, AcKd, AcKh, AcKs. If I check this guy xback whole his range besides QQ/KK. If I shove he folds everything besides QQ/KK :D

I don't know maybe it's simple but it's to late for me to think about it. Help please.

Today finally  over 1.000.000 views. 
One of my favourite in last 3 months.


  1. 250 hands to zadna probka. Shovuj tam imo, kombinatoryka jest za toba plus zawsze moze tiltowac/grac slabo i callnac z czyms glupim :)

    1. Wszyscy powiedzieli to samo. Jedynie Ninjai vs agresywny gracz zaproponował x/c flop co jest ciekawym rozwiązaniem.

    2. Did you tried Color Game to start session more focused?

    3. Hmmm I think I've never tried. Could you send me the link?
      I tried this one. The effect wasn't concentration... my mind was just tired... Maybe it was to hard. Ple

    4. Here' the link
      Many ppl recommend this game as exercise b4 session.

    5. Prawdopodobnie x-r flop byłby lepszy niż bet czy x-c.
