Now my game vs this guy is going to be pretty easy. I will do whatever I can to under represent my hands and bluff catch a lot. Minbetting, x/c with overpair on wet boards, bet really small on the river :)
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 2245030
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter
MP: $437.00
Hero (CO): $412.00
BTN: $815.58
SB: $400.00
BB: $466.16
UTG: $379.91
Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is CO with A
UTG raises to $8, 1 fold, Hero raises to $32, 2 folds, BB calls $28, UTG calls $24
Flop: ($98.00) 9
BB checks, UTG bets $80, Hero raises to $380 all in, BB raises to $434.16 all in, UTG calls $267.91 all in
Turn: ($1205.91) 2
River: ($1205.91) J
Final Pot: $1205.91
Hero shows A
BB shows 4
UTG shows 9
Hero wins $64.18
Hero wins $1138.73
(Rake: $3.00)
UTG is e 70/40 retard with WTS 45 AFq and donkbetting bilion. With deadmoney it's easy shove on this range which is still to tight for him I think:
Stół: 9
Equity Wygrana Podział
MP2 53.82% 53.82% 0.00% { 99, 44, AQs, KQs, JTs, Tc9c, Tc8c, 9c8c, AQo, KQo }
MP3 46.18% 46.18% 0.00% { AcKc }
Unfortunately BB, who was also a donk, joined us.
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter
SB: $826.86
BB: $406.00
Hero (UTG): $590.00
MP: $365.93
CO: $1160.58
BTN: $546.99
Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is UTG with J
Hero raises to $12, 2 folds, BTN calls $12, 2 folds
Flop: ($30.00) 8
Hero bets $20, BTN calls $20
Turn: ($70.00) T
Hero checks, BTN bets $50.25, Hero raises to $166, BTN calls $115.75
River: ($402.00) 7
Hero bets $392 all in, BTN folds
MP and SB fish. BTN is weaktight 20/14 with ftcbet 60/50/70 which is sick. His WTS is 22 and AFq 34.... callopen BTN 10 vs EP maybe a little less but remember that there is fish on SB.
He called flop after thinking 10-15sec which made me think that he hit sth strong. He bets IP vs missed 60 on the turn so I let him bet to increase to pot size because we were ~140bb deep. The river is an action killer but still he was thinking whole time bank before folding.
Three questions:
1) Do you think it's super easy river shove If the river is 8,6,T,Q? Remember that it's super fucking tight ass with WTS 22 and W$SD 56 ( no small pots).
2) Would ever consider here betting sth like ~110€?
3) Would x/r turn higher with my read that he hit sth strong?
This one I made from my window. Look how people treat their cars in Italy. EVERY seriously EVERY single car has some scratches or curves...
P.S I made half of my "one day of poker pro" movie. Stay tuned ;]