
Sunday, May 5, 2013

like a whole world in your hands

That's the feeling when every single hand hit the board, when your sickest bluffs work perfectly and all nutz are being paid off.
The weird thing about this is my motivation. Its getting lower and lower while I'm running extremely good. I don't know the reason of this so I can't heal myself. Last year, after my 2-3 months break even period I decided to visit the mental coach - sport psychologist called Darek. Our topics were:

  • Looking into the cashier
  • How to play your A-game all the time
  • How to motivate yourself
  • How to create plans and stick to them
  • Exercises for multitasking
  • The consequences of variance 
After this coachings I had a feeling that I knew everything he was telling me before but... yeah but... I WASN'T DOING IT!. Like I couldn't trust my brain and somebody had to tell my things I've already knew! In the end the whole experience was extremely powerful for my game. 

Today another immortal session. 

What do you think about he river? The guy is pretty good regular, agressive and plays overpairs in a fastway. He opens 60% on BB amd his cbet/fold is 30%. Very good hand reader. I was thinking about minbet/calling the river, still not sure if its not to thin.



  1. Imo river zależy od tego jak szeroko grasz check-raise na tym flopie. Ja bym sie skłaniał do pushowania po takiej lini jeśli grasz check-raise z dużą ilością Ax + backdoor flushdraw.

  2. x/r range mam spory i bardzo zdepolaryzowany (nie wiem czy on to wie - raczej nie). Problem w tym, że 4 na river nie bedzie postrzegana przez niego jako karta którą bym blefował i zmniejsza w/g mnie frekwencje bluffcatchowania.

    Bardziej skłaniałbym się do wymuszenia zamiany jego SDV w blef, ale też nie wydaje mi się żeby to robił na tym riverze. Nie mam pomysłu na takie ręce, a widzę, że trace value po tym co mi na river pokazują...
