
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hello mr. challenge... we have to meet again motherf$%ker.

Do you remember?

Challenge maxwinrate NL100 SH by SOEK - DONE !

I've to do it again. This time on NL200.  My game on NL400-600 looks like shit. I have 10k€ swing from 100k hands (first in my carrier). The worst part of this is my autopilot mode or sth similar. I'm not thinking in the proper way on the river.
The funny thing is that I started last challenge exactly one year ago. Maybe the autumn makes me feel shitty.
I'm going to cure myself by playing 2 tables of zoom poker nl200. Rules are the same. I'm playing nl200 till I win 50BI.

If anyone feel like he looped himself. Can't get away from wrong decisions. Feel like there is no proper decision or just plays break even for a long time - THIS IS THE TOPIC FOR HIM.

I'm going to post my day routine. What I do to get back to my flow. What you should focus on.

As now I'm going to work hard let's remind ourselves what is really important in our lives.

Our last fishing trip in Sweden.