The main slogan on my windows desktop is "Every single day try to be better man". It refers to poker and life of course. What did I achieve this month?
- Finally cut my mind of the € results.
- Filled in the excel file after each session (BEST THING EVER THAT HAPPENED TO MY POKER MINDSET)
- Learned few things about keeping my mind focused.
- Found out the optimal time for my sessions
- Noticed how to get back to A game without taking long breaks
- Did the Session Review of my mindset after every session
- Learned to observe myself while playing
- Extended my 4bet/call range vs few regs.
As you can see this month I worked more on the mindset part. I'm fucking lucky. I had started improving my mindset just before my DS appeared ! ; )
- Started working out! Running push ups and basic exercises.
- More balanced time for poker/Joanna
- Less alcohol, definitely cheap Italian wines don't help.
- Almost finished my movie "one day of poker pro". Did many tutorials in Sony Vegas, and finally learned to read the histograms!
- Make stranger smile! Few homeless guys sleeps at the train station next to my apartment. Temperatures in next week are going to bet 29C-33C. Still note sure what can I give them. If somebody figure it out, let me know.
First tough call on the river vs aggro monkey. 56/42 ft3bet 20 AFq 63 WWSF 83 ftcbet 0/7 ftcbet in 3bet pot 0/2.
I would like to present you my thinking process during this hand : )))
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter
BB: $193.08
UTG: $800.11
CO: $466.03
BTN: $400.00
Hero (SB): $400.00
Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is SB with A
UTG raises to $12, 2 folds, Hero raises to $38, 1 fold, UTG calls $26
Flop: ($80.00) 8
Hero bets $56, UTG raises to $112, Hero calls $56
1) OMFG minraise from the fish ok I fold
2) NO WAY he is not folding anything, aggro fucker on wide range
3) OK call and let him bluff
Turn: ($304.00) K
Hero checks, UTG checks
1)OK xback not bad, maybe I will not have to make tough decisions any more.
2) Wait wait wait, think about range, think about range. Ok he would shove TJ,AQ,AK maybe not A8. Mhmmm ok x/call any non
River: ($304.00) 6
Hero checks, UTG bets $650.11 all in, Hero calls $250 all in
1) NO FUCKING WAY He has nuts. Ok Michał calm down and stick to the plan x/call
Final Pot: $804.00
UTG shows T
Hero shows A
Not sure how to check the EV of this play. BTN 3bet vs EP 13 vs MP 12 vs CO 13 fold to 4bet 50 call 4bet IP 4/13
First question here:
- How do you construct range vs this guy on EP and MP?
The BB's c4bet is 5,6 after HUGE sample. My open raise is 15 and ft3bet OOP 50. Do you think this shove is fine? On BTN's place I would fold QQ. Do you?
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 2248827
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter
SB: $439.00
BB: $400.00
Hero (UTG): $400.00
CO: $273.27
BTN: $484.58
Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is UTG with K
Hero raises to $12, 1 fold, BTN raises to $36, 1 fold, BB raises to $80, Hero raises to $400 all in, 2 folds
Final Pot: $198.00
Hero mucks K
Hero wins $198.00
Not sure If you already had pleasure to meet KAYTRANADA, If not wear your headphones pump up the bass, close you eyes and wait till 0:45. Goose bump guaranteed!
AT jest ez ręką. Może niekoniecznie bym chciał wysoko na niego 3betować.
ReplyDeleteCo do AK vs cold 4bet i takiego BTN też bym pushował, a co do konstruowania range to zależy od 2 rzeczy:
- co gość 3betuje?
- jaką strategie wolisz - zajebać 4betami czy dużo callować?