
Monday, June 10, 2013


This one I took while sightseeing our new neighborhood.

Finally I decided to totally cut off my mind from a poker results. I looked on my long term graph which looks fucking awesome. I noticed that the biggest swing I've ever had was like ~30BI. So what to worry about? I have 100BI for my basic limit and 50-75BI on NL400-600 BRM so fuck this. I'm capable of not looking into the results for a long time, but when it's going down down down, I just have to check... I can't yell at myself and throw a keyboard after few bad sessions!
Just after I've thought about it, Robmaf created perfect movie about dealing with this problem. I've created my excel file...started to think positive... and BOOM! Five days and I don't know how many BI I've lost, but for sure a lot! ;) Normally I would get crazy, but now I'm feel calm and confident. Also I've started to listen to the pokermindset by Elliot Roe. It makes me relaxed and very focused. We will see for how long ... ;)

My last results check, enjoy the graph for the last time!



  1. awesome graphic, you're a monster :D

    a week ago i removed net won and bb/100 statistics from HM and i must tell you, that now i'm much happier - before and after any session. it's all about good analysis and valuable notes now, nothing else. i'm going to sleep with clear mind, thinking how good was my day :)

    good luck, keep writing here, you have many fans :D peace from Glogow !

  2. The sooner you will get rid of thinking about the results the quicker your progress explode ; )Thanks for comment, and remind me to send to sth!
