This month small sample. It's because of my motivation problem while I'm winning - yeah I know it's weird
Wasn't sure about this one. Pretty good reg, plays NL400-NL1k, not agressive postflop, and very honest while OOP. The river it's not the best card after his line to bluf x/r. His timing while calling was quite fast so I didn't put him on hands like 33 and QsJs. He would think even for a moment on the turn and he had just snapcalled. Hands on the river I expect are: TT,AKs,KTs+,AKo,KQo looking and this I should have bet like ~160€ more thand ~140€. Hands he is x/r on the river I think are: TT,KTs and I have 33% pot odds and 40% equity so its call. The problem is that I think he is never bluffing. He is not the type of bluffer W$ when raise river 3/3 and x/r river 1/1. Especially after my 3rd barrel from UTG... It was so close but finally I called and he showed : K
Poker Stars $3/$6 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players - View hand 2210691
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BTN: $2503.07
SB: $598.74
BB: $694.60
Hero (UTG): $776.04
CO: $642.20
Pre Flop: ($9.00) Hero is UTG with 9
Hero raises to $15, 3 folds, BB calls $9
Flop: ($33.00) 9
BB checks, Hero bets $21, BB calls $21
Turn: ($75.00) 2
BB checks, Hero bets $57, BB calls $57
River: ($189.00) T
BB checks, Hero bets $141, BB raises to $601.60 all in, Hero calls $460.60
This one is pretty nice. My SQZ is 11 right now but never seen someone trapping nuts vs me. The BTN has ft3bet 20% so I never expect to see in SB range hands like TT+, ATs+, KTs+, QJs, ATo+, KJo+ after he called preflop. So his 4bet range is PP heavy, and for sure he is no folding to shove any of them. But I don't want to coinflip! Think! On his PP heavy range we can use every card :T,J,Q,K,A as our out to bluff him out postflop. That's why I decided to call preflop.
Flop decision is easy after his x/r. It looks like shit because I expect (If he had) to cbet every Qx and Kx so x/r suckz ;] He showed: 9
Equity | Wygrana | PodziaĆ | ||
MP2 | 53.28% | 52.66% | 0.62% | 22, JdJc, JhJc, JsJc, TdTc, ThTc, TsTc, 9d9c, 9h9c, 9s9c, 8d8c, 8h8c, 8s8c |
MP3 | 46.72% | 46.10% | 0.62% | KdJh |
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 4 players - View hand 2210719
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BTN: $429.12
SB: $460.00
Hero (BB): $500.79
CO: $400.00
Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is BB with J
1 fold, BTN raises to $12, SB calls $10, Hero raises to $46, 1 fold, SB raises to $92, Hero calls $46
Flop: ($196.00) 2
SB checks, Hero bets $88, SB raises to $368 all in, Hero calls $280
Turn: ($932.00) A
River: ($932.00) J
Another hands I'm still not sure. Good reg, BB call vs SB 30, AFq flop 54, Bet vs Missed cbet 76, rcbet 25, bet T after raising flop 38. I don't want to cbet/3bet/call this hand. Cbet/call also sucks, because he can raise for tvalue Jx and xback the T. So decided to use his bluffing range, and not represent nothing by x/c flop. The turn play is one that confused me. One side I don't rep anything by x/r, the other he is maybe going to bluff on the river. Don;t know how to check which option is better. He was thinking whole time bank and folded. Funny thing is that I'm still x/c the T even without the spade because If I hit on the river he will have a crapy spot - huge implied odds here.
Poker Stars $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 2210731
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MP: $154.57
CO: $767.92
BTN: $1158.35
Hero (SB): $468.00
BB: $400.00
UTG: $263.39
Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is SB with 7
4 folds, Hero raises to $12, BB calls $8
Flop: ($24.00) J
Hero checks, BB bets $16.33, Hero calls $16.33
Turn: ($56.66) 8
Hero checks, BB bets $40.64, Hero raises to $120, BB folds
Going back to Poland for 10 days. My friend is getting married! You can expect a lot of drunk photos here :D Stay Tuned!
ReplyDeleteIntresting blog:)
About last hand, what is your open range, and what do u think about open fold to good agressive reg?
When I am not scary of any river card I like x/c turn to get him fire again, I supose that not many people bluff at that card after x/c flop, but I'm just a lowstakes fish;-)
What is my open range here? I would look at two things. First Fold BB vs Hero SB and 2nd thing, If he has 3bet/call range. He would have to call like 25% and 3bet another ~15-20% to make me fold K7s preflop.For example If he is 3bet/calling AQs-ATs, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, AQo-AJo, KJo+ (what would be quite nice) you are fucked with hands like K2-K9. It's very difficult to find this kind of player, so I almost always open K7s ;]
ReplyDeleteYou are totally right about the turn play. It'a always better here to check/call the turn for reasons you wrote.