We arrived to Stokholm today! My aunt is going to be our host for next 5 days. She's absolutely amazing. The whole trip plan prepered by her contain the most interesting parts of Swedish life.
Facts about Sweden
- People don't show theirs emotions as in southern countries. They look similar while being sad, happy, mad or surprised.
- Sweden has a huge problem with islamic foreigners. The Romanians invades cities as well. The social politic was very friendly in past times which is the reason of todays problems
- You can't buy bear above 2,5% of alcohol in the grocery shop. You have to go to the special "alcohol system shop" to get sth stronger. In past high class people like lawyers or doctors used to hide the bags with the alcohol because it was unpropriate.
- Stokholm city is spreaded to 5 islands
- Discovering the dynamite was the biggest revolution in Swedish architecture. You can see its impact everywhere
- the whole Sweden is a HUGE rock. You can't dig with a shovel like in Poland